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medmix Dental products to be available with ISCC PLUS Certification: A Leap Towards Sustainable Excellence


medmix, a global leader in high-precision delivery devices, is proud to announce its achievement of the ISCC PLUS certification for medmix Switzerland AG, underscoring its commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.

Understanding ISCC PLUS Certification and Its Impact

The International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) is a globally recognized certification system dedicated to promoting sustainable, fully traceable, deforestation-free, and climate-friendly supply chains. It is an independent multi-stakeholder initiative that plays a crucial role in fostering environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable production.

ISCC's certification covers sustainable agricultural biomass, biogenic wastes and residues, non-biological renewable materials, and recycled carbon-based materials. This wide-ranging scope makes ISCC an ideal certification for companies like medmix, which are committed to sustainable practices across various materials and processes. With this ISCC PLUS certification, medmix demonstrates its dedication to a holistic approach to sustainability that includes careful consideration of environmental, social, and economic factors.

See more: ISCC System – Solutions for sustainable and deforestation free supply chains (

ISCC's Principles and Commitment to Global Standards

The ISCC certification system is built upon six fundamental principles, each contributing to sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, and healthy ecosystems. These principles include the protection of land with high biodiversity value or high carbon stock, environmentally responsible production practices, safe working conditions, compliance with human and labor rights, adherence to land rights and laws, and the promotion of good management practices and continuous improvement. These principles align with the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing the role of businesses in driving positive change.

ISCC operates through an open multi-stakeholder process, involving representatives from agriculture, processing, trade, NGOs, and more. This diverse involvement ensures that ISCC's standards are comprehensive, inclusive, and reflective of various interests and perspectives. With over 7,000 valid certificates in more than 100 countries, ISCC stands as one of the largest and most influential certification systems globally.

medmix's Commitment to Sustainability

The commitment to achieving the ISCC PLUS certification is a testament to medmix's proactive approach to sustainability. This certification is not just a mark of compliance; it's an embodiment of medmix’s ongoing commitment to responsible production and sustainable business practices. By adhering to ISCC’s rigorous standards, medmix Switzerland AG ensures that specific products and the associated processes contribute positively to environmental preservation, social welfare, and economic viability.

Read more about medmix Dental Capabilities: Our Capabilities (

For medmix Dental’s customers, this certification means partnering with a company that not only delivers high-quality, precision products but also cares deeply about the impact of its operations on the planet and its people. It signifies a shared journey towards a more sustainable and responsible future, where our product and service are aligned with the highest standards of environmental and social responsibility.

As medmix continues to innovate and lead in the field of high-precision delivery systems, the ISCC PLUS certification serves as our cornerstone ensuring that the path forward is more sustainable, responsible, and aligned with global efforts to create a better world.

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