
Our Governance

medmix is committed to the principles of good corporate governance. They ensure a sound balance of power and support the company in creating sustainable value for its various stakeholders.

medmix is subject to the laws of Switzerland, in particular Swiss corporation and stock exchange law. The company also applies the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance. The rigorous application of sound corporate governance helps to consolidate and strengthen trust in the company. medmix has only a single share class and functions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO are separated.

Board Composition

The Board of Directors comprises six members. All members are independent. Each member is elected individually. The term for members of the Board of Directors is one year. Except for the elections reserved to the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors constitutes itself. It appoints from among its members the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and the members of the Board committees (except for the members of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee who are elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting).

Committees of the Board

There are currently two standing committees within the Board of Directors:

The Audit Committee assesses the midyear and annual accounts and the activities of the internal and external auditors, the Internal Control System (ICS), and risk management.

The Nomination & Remuneration Committee assesses the criteria for the election and reelection of Board members and nominations for the top two management levels. It also deals with succession planning, compensation systems, and compensation for the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.

Meet our leadership

Our board members and executive committee have several decades of leadership experience between them.

Find out more

Global ESH network enabling sustainable behavior

Environment, Safety and Health (ESH) are fundamental pillars of our sustainability agenda. The medmix global ESH lead, in close collaboration with line management, drives and defines the medmix ESH policy, programs and standards. Dedicated ESH professionals at all sites ensure local implementation in compliance with governing legislation. This setup is the continued basis for significant improvement of our ESH performance which we track via KPI.

Our entire global footprint of manufacturing facilities are certified to ISO 9001 and already have or are working toward certification for Iso 14001 & 45001. In addition to this our Healthcare manufacturing facilities are also certified ISO 13485 in line with requirements for medical device manufacture

medmix Compliance Hotline

Legitimate reports help to prevent at the very beginning and refine the harm for our company, our employees, and our business partners. We have therefore set up this compliance hotline for contacting us – anonymously, if required . This system for reporting information is open to all medmix employees as well as third parties such as customers, suppliers, and others.