ecopaCC™ filling labeling and transportation - Unocking the full potential

Unlocking the full potential of MIXPAC™ ecopaCC™

Filling, labeling, and transportation

PRODUCT RELATED TECHNOLOGIES – ecopaCC is a revolutionary sustainable two-component packaging solution, offering a CO2-reducing alternative to rigid cartridges without compromising on performance or reliability. Designed with both environmental impact and operational efficiency improvements in mind, discover why it is rapidly gaining traction across multiple industries.

How are the complex filling challenges solved?

Filling may seem like a straightforward step in the packaging process, but it is fraught with challenges that can lead to issues like leakage, poor application, and poor mixing quality. The MIXPAC ecopaCC system addresses these challenges, allowing high filling pressure that compensates for smaller inlets compared to backfilling. The system offers impressive filling speeds: semi-automated equipment can output 4-6 cartridges per minute, depending on fluid properties and packaging size, while fully automated equipment can achieve significantly higher outputs. This makes ecopaCC not only reliable but also comparable in speed to conventional rigid cartridges.

Icons ecopaCC-englisch-3493x1001Figure 1: Life cycle of the MIXPAC ecopaCC cartridge system

A fulfilling cartridge solution

Unike traditional backfilling, we propose to fill ecopaCC using a front filling method with a previous air evacuation from the two fluid chambers. A vacuum is built up in a separate chamber and applied through the filling nozzle. The vacuum ports are then closed, and two fluids are pumped into the evacuated cartridge compartments. This specialized process removes air entrapments from the ecopaCC completely, while the tight sealing prevents additional air ingress resulting in a pure, uncompromised product.

202403_ecopaCC_filling_process_vacuum-810x422Figure 2: evacuated ecopaCC cartridge before filling

air-free filled ecopaCC cartridge-827x431 Figure 3: air-free filled ecopaCC cartridge

The simultaneous filling of the A and B components allows for short filling times, while the special valve technology in the filling head prevents any cross contamination during filling and removal.

ecopaCC_xray_no_air_bubbles-2362x2362Figure 4: x-ray picture of air-free filled ecopaCC

As Figure 4 shows, the design of the ecopaCC combined with the proper filling process using front filling with vacuum allows air-free filling.

medmix has partnered with leading contract fillers and filling machine manufacturers in Europe, the US, and China to support competent filling services. Whether the requirement is for samples or full production runs, these partnerships ensure that customers can get professionally filled ecopaCC cartridges in any quantity, delivered anywhere in the world. Contact your regional sales contact at medmix to get filling support.

Storage stability, cost saving and CO2 reduction

Storage challenges in the packaging industry are often overlooked, causing issues such as wasted inventory space and bulky cartridges, which can lead to escalating costs. These problems can strain resources and limit operational efficiency. Enter ecopaCC, a solution meticulously designed to tackle these very challenges.

Unlike traditional cartridges that are bulky and inefficient, ecopaCC's compact form factor is engineered for optimal use of storage space. With its collapsible design, ecopaCC cartridges require up to 85% less storage and transportation space compared to conventional solid cartridges. This not only significantly reduces associated costs but also aligns with its 77% of CO2 savings, making ecopaCC a truly sustainable choice.

Additionally, the durable materials used in ecopaCC make it ideal for long-term storage without compromising quality. In essence, ecopaCC not only addresses storage challenges that many businesses face, but it also solves them, proving that thoughtful design can indeed make a significant impact.

Effective labeling

Inadequate labeling can lead to many problems, from consumer confusion over product use to time-consuming manual interventions in the supply chain. Missing or unclear information can damage a brand’s reputation, while poor adhesion can result in labels peeling off during transportation, leaving products unidentifiable.

Recognizing these challenges, medmix co-developed successful solutions with leading labeling manufacturers. These partnerships have enabled the business to rigorously test various adhesion properties, resulting in labels that are durable.

ecopaCC_assortment_1 (2)-1920x1080Figure 5: easy to label ecopaCC cartridge, either by printing...

202403_ecopaCC_labelling-810x442Figure 6: ...or by automatic labeling.

Reliable and sustainable transportation

New packaging solutions like ecopaCC and other radical innovations could raise questions about product integrity and compliance with industry standards. Concerns often center around how well the packaging can endure the rigors of transportation, including potential drops and impacts.

To alleviate these concerns, medmix conducts rigorous drop testing in line with established industry standards. Tests showed comparable results with existing packaging solutions.

ecopaCC goes beyond product resilience. Its design is optimized for efficient stacking, shipping, and reduced transportation costs. Moreover, ecopaCC’s collapsible design and significantly reduced storage benefit, lead to fewer logistics requirements and emissions during transportation. This not only lowers costs but also significantly reduces the carbon footprint, making ecopaCC a conscientious choice for those looking to minimize environmental impact.

Taking the 600mL 1:1 version as a reference, the ecopaCC system significantly reduces plastic waste by 75% and CO2 emissions by 77%, aligning with global sustainability goals.

What do ecopaCC customers have to say?

Mr. Sun Jianli, tile grout craftsman in China / Shanghai : “The mixing of the ecopaCC solution is better, the material was cured quickly, the adhesive performance is perfect, and my waste is minimal.”

Ms. Zhou Zhou, a distributor for tile grout material in China / Shanghai : “The design of this product is nice and high-end, and the sustainable concept is very good . The tile grout decoration of a house will generate more than a dozen empty cartridges in waste, and the recycling and disposal of this waste is troublesome. While using ecopaCC, this waste is extraordinarily little.”

202403_ecopaCC_filling_FrancoMenchetti-810x449Figure 7 : «Franco Menchetti, sales responsible at the CTA filling company in Germany with an argument, why they support the ecopaCC solution.

Franco Menchetti, from CTA GmbH in Ludwigsburg, Germany: „At CTA, we fill these ecopaCC cartridges partly because of their CO2 reduction and partly because some of our customers prefer this technology.“

The comprehensive packaging solution

From advanced technology ensuring precise and quality filling to robust solutions for labeling and transportation, ecopaCC has been meticulously designed to meet and exceed industry standards.

However, it is not just about meeting standards; it is about setting new ones. ecopaCC does not just solve problems – it anticipates them, offering solutions that are both innovative and sustainable. With its lower carbon footprint, it is not just a choice, it is a commitment to a more sustainable future.